

Working in between the fields of product design and art, Rein patiently plays and crafts - presenting unusual, colorful objects that get featured in design shows. One-offโ€™s might end up in homes of design collectors or they open doors to a comissioned work. A dazzling quilt made of shirts, Baskets of packaging straps, a hand woven QR-code, a flying raincoat - to name a few.
This particular way of working made Rein an early and proud member of the @_basketclub_  

From ready-mades up to products on commission, his work is described playfull, easy to understand and to often set up a smile.
So from time to time Rein spreads his love for crafting by giving workshops at art academies and design institutions.

2023 industrial designer / team Japan -  Susan Bijl
Oostzeedijk 108
Rotterdam- The Netherlands
2023 - today

2023 Alcova - Salone Milano
Basketclub show + book launch
April 2023

Knots & Knits - U-JOINTS
Helsinki Design Week Finland
May 2022

2022 OBJECT - Rotterdam
Pixel Pot
Rotterdam- The Netherlands
20-22 May 2020

2022 A5 Book โ€˜rein reitsma    works 2019 - 2021โ€™
For a free PDF see here
January 2022

2021 HOW & WOW - BASK IT! @_basketclub_ x CraftsCouncil NL
Dutch Design Week - Eindhoven
October 2021

2021 Participant of Driving DutchDesign
Amsterdam / Eindhoven
February 2021 - today

2021 Happy member of @_basketclub_
brief 6 โœ‰๏ธ - today

2020 Finalist Hema Design Contest 2020
4-23 September 2020

2020 Studio / office Industrieweg 87
Rotterdam- The Netherlands

22 May 2020 - today

2020 OBJECT - Rotterdam 
OBJECT - Rotterdam
Vierhavensstraat 38-42
Rotterdam- The Netherlands
7-9 January 2020

2019 freelance designer/ shop team Susan Bijl
Mauritsweg 45a
Rotterdam- The Netherlands
June 2019 - today

2018 Dutch Design Week beams and seams - DDW2018
Evenementenruimte Piet Hein Eek
Eindhoven- The Netherlands
oktober 2018

Studio / office Spanjaardstraat 131 B-01
Rotterdam- The Netherlands

february 2017 - 2019

2015 freelance designer/ Snijlab team
Snijlab - lasercutting van Helmontstraat 23
Rotterdam- The Netherlands
march 2015 - november 2019

2015 Bachelor of Design Product design
Willem de Kooning Academy
Rotterdam - The Netherlands
january 2015

2014 Knaapje in distribution
Hans Boodt - Mannequins
Zwijndrecht- The Netherlands
march 2014 - today

2014 Freelance designer
Studio Chris Kabel
Rotterdam - The Netherlands
november 2013 - today (on call)

2013 Internship Studio Chris Kabel
Office Party   
/   Wood Cracker
Rotterdam - The Netherlands
february โ€“ august 2013

2011 Propedeuse
Willem de Kooning Academy
Rotterdam - The Netherlands
september 2011

2011 BSc Industrial Design
TU-Delft Technical University
Delft- The Netherlands
september 2010 - june 2010